

New Heritage Solutions C.I.C.

New Heritage Solutions C.I.C.

We are a not-for-profit social enterprise based in Stowmarket, Suffolk, which delivers innovative public history projects throughout the East of England. Our staff have considerable experience in project management, theatre and media production, learning delivery, exhibition planning, heritage enterprise and public health. We excel in the design and delivery of community-based programmes which engage individuals, groups and digital audiences with their shared heritage.

Our core belief is that positive outcomes can be achieved by exploring local history, be that by encouraging visitors to an area, getting people active, or transferring key skills such as numeracy, literacy or media production. The Eighth in the East was our flagship project and we are working with a range of organisations and age-groups across the East of England, using community archaeology, museum development, oral history and theatre production to connect with people. Our new project for 2018/19 is the Heritage Lottery funded Harwich Haven: Surrender and Sanctuary.

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The National Archives

The National Archives

The National Archives collect and secure the future of the government record, from Shakespeare’s will to tweets from Downing Street, to preserve it for generations to come, making it as accessible and available as possible.

The collection is one of the largest in the world, containing over 11 million historical government and public records. From the Domesday Book to modern government papers and digital files, our collection includes paper and parchment, digital records and websites, photographs, posters, maps, drawings and paintings. These include resources related to the German U-Boat war, and their surrender at Harwich at the end of the First World War.

Find out more about the records we hold.

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The Wiener Library

The Wiener Library

The Wiener Library is one of the world’s leading and most extensive archives on the Holocaust and Nazi era. Formed in 1933, the Library’s unique collection of over one million items includes published and unpublished works, press cuttings, photographs and eyewitness testimony. These records include archives relating to the arrival of the Kindertransport at Harwich in 1938.

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Heritage Lottery Fund

Heritage Lottery Fund

The Heritage Lottery Fund distribute the heritage share of National Lottery funding, supporting a wide variety of projects across the UK. Since our foundation in 1994, thanks to National Lottery players they have awarded £7.7billion to over 42,000 projects.

The projects they fund vary from restoring natural landscapes to rescuing neglected buildings, and from recording diverse community histories to providing life-changing training. Harwich Haven: Surrender & Sanctuary is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund in the East of England.

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Everyday Lives In War

Everyday Lives In War

The Everyday Lives in War centre is based at the University of Hertfordshire, in collaboration with the Universities of Essex, Northampton, Lincoln, Central Lancashire and West of England. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, it is one of five First World War engagement centres that builds connections between university and community researchers. They work closely with the Heritage Lottery Fund to support First World War centenary projects.

They encourage community research across the UK with a particular interest in:

  • First World War food and farming
  • Theatre and entertainment
  • Conscientious objection and military tribunals
  • Supernatural beliefs
  • Childhood
  • Family relationships
  • Cartoons, trench publications and popular culture

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University of Hertfordshire Heritage Hub

University of Hertfordshire Heritage Hub

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Eastern Angles

Eastern Angles

Eastern Angles is the regional touring theatre company for the East of England.

Formed in 1982, Eastern Angles has blazed a trail across East Anglia, becoming a national model of excellence for rural touring before expanding to include national touring, Edinburgh Festival visits and site-specific work. Most recently it has embraced a new heritage strategy to acknowledge the sense of place in its work.

“Condensing big ideas and authentic voices into accessible and entertaining theatre, Eastern Angles welds together the explosive potential of arts and heritage”

Eastern Angles’ current annual programme includes: a community tour to village halls in the Spring with new writing, often with a regional flavour; Platform Peterborough in the Autumn; and a unique comic extravaganza in the Sir John Mills Theatre and Seckford Theatre over the Christmas season. In between, the company commission new plays, tour shows nationally, present new work by BME writers during Black History Month, and workshop new scripts.

In 2016 Eastern Angles producing a play based on material unearthed as part of the Eighth in the East project with New HS – touring it all over the East of England. In 2018 they delivered a series of performances as part of the Surrender & Sanctuary project – including leading the delivery of the Kindertransport re- creation across the regional railways.

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